Please read the following rules, regulations and policies to make sure your stay is enjoyable.
Please call 504-722-9974 with any questions.

Rental Agreements
Camp 131 Carmen Lane
Camp 133 Carmen Lane
Camp 155 Carmen Lane

Check in: 4:00 PM
Check out: 11:00 AM

Must occur 30 days prior to your visit in writing


Must occur in the same calendar year.

If Grand Isle is placed under a hurricane warning all funds / deposits are returned or prorated.


Please respect your neighbors, do not block any vehicles and during the evening keep noise to a minimum. Most people retire early.

All trash must be bagged and placed in designated trash cans. Do not place raw seafood or fish in garbage, take it by boat and dump it in the bay (not in the canal) or deposit it at the marina where you launched. They have a designated dump site.

Boiling / BBQ
Only conduct these activities in open areas, not under camps, under decks or on decks.

Damage Deposit
Fully refundable unless and in event of damage and/or theft. Notification and itemization will be supplied.


There is no smoking in camps.

Pets are not allowed in camps.
Fish Cleaning
Never discard fish remains in canal or garbage cans, take remains by boat and dump them out in the bay so that the tide takes it away.
No campers / RVs, motor homes, trailers, tents or swimming pools are allowed on the property.


Please do not rearrange furniture.

All camps in Grand Isle utilize treatment plants. Never dispose of feminine products, paper towels, baby wipes or any other items other than the obvious.

This activity is discouraged, but if you must drink, do so responsibly.

Air Conditioning
Do not set thermostat below 68 degrees, if you do so it will freeze up and cause you inconvenience. Never place anything in front of the return air grill. Utilize the fans and when out for the day turn AC to 78 degrees. Help preserve our natural resources.

Checking out
Please leave camp reasonably neat, dishes washed, trash out, and utilities off.

Dish washing
Please scrape all plates clean before rinsing and never pour grease down drain, it will end up where we swim and fish.

Storage locker
Tenant is responsible for all contents, inventory has been taken before you arrived.

Thank you for your cooperation and have a pleasant stay.

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